Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Love My Job

On March 13th I flew to Macau China, where I experienced five incredible days of laughter, friendship, great food, great wine, and top notch service. No, I wasn't on vacation. It was a business trip. Fortunately, I'm in the type of business where quite often it's difficult to tell the difference. Yes I love my job that much. In fact there are times I'm on such a high about what I do for a living that I actually laugh and think to myself, “And I get paid for doing this!”
There are two reasons why my trip to Macau was so special. First, was the seminar I gave to an incredible group who are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of people all over the planet.
Polaris Media Group is an international community of successful men and woman that provide resources to ignite creativity and success at work and in life. They create inspirational media products and educational materials that reveal the true nature of the human spirit.
I have spoken to all kinds of groups throughout my speaking career, but few have had the passion, enthusiasm, and incentive to learn and take immediate action than the wonderful people of Polaris Media.
I was fortunate to spend quality time with some of the members and it became very clear to me that these people are on a mission to make the world a better place. Their dedication and desire to serve truly inspired me. It's always an extra bonus when the teacher becomes the student and walks away feeling uplifted. I wish them all the very best that life has to offer.
The second reason my stay in Macau was so special was the making of a new friendship. I've known Jim Cathcart casually through the years as we are both members of The National Speakers Association. It wasn't until we worked together in Macau that we got to know each other on a personal basis. Jim has an impeccable reputation as a speaker and it was a real treat to see him in action. He captivated the entire audience, myself included, for four hours.
I've always said that one of the joys of traveling is spending quality time having dinner with clients and friends in various parts of world. It's a time to relax, let loose and to get to know one another. The memories of sharing heartfelt stories and non stop laughter always bring a smile to my face. I will take those memories with me till the day I leave this world.
Occasionally, usually sometime the following day, I realize that a special connection was made. It truly is a blessing to know that there is someone else in my life that I can call friend. Thanks Jim, It was a pleasure and an honor getting to know you. The next time our paths meet I know I will be greeting someone who is more than an acquaintance.


  1. Steve, I was blessed to be in the audience in Macau and loved every minute of hearing you, Jim Cathcart and Kevin Kelly speak. Thankyou for teaching me about the importance of enjoying the journey, as I never really did that, I was so focussed on the goal and could never understand why I felt empty when I reached them and it was because I hadn't enjoyed the journey.Now my Humor Being is with me all the time and has me laughing at things that previosuly might have had me stressed out or upset about. So THANKYOU xxx

  2. Steve, it was such a pleasure to get to know both you and Jim! You have a true gift, bringing humor and learning together in a way that is very impactful. We were honored to have you join us at our Polaris Global event and you have been a part of our mission here to make the world a better place. Thank you for taking a tough stand years ago to follow your passion of bringing your human being to a higher level of service - teaching people through humor!

  3. Steve, thank you so much for being with us in Macau and making such a difference to my life and the life of many others. You rock my friend. Thanks again.

  4. Steve, I too had the privelege the to see you in Macau at the Polaris event and you had me in laughter and in tears because everything you said just resonated with me. I now absolutely love what I do so much more because I have brought back the humour in my life and work and it truly does make a huge difference. Thank you so much.

  5. Wow, Steve you were inspirational and touched a part of me that has since "come out" much more - my humour being. I have since spoken on my shoe phone in the lift!! I have learned so much from you that has really stuck and is as powerful now as it was when I heard it live. What was really fantastic for me was to see how you reached my daughter, Jess, who was with me. I know she got a lot from listening to you on stage and also being there with us at our after match function.
    Massive thank you.

  6. Thanks so much Steve for making a difference in our world and teaching us all to find our humour being. After our conference in Macau I have come back to my home and business knowing that having fun means I am on the road to success. Loving life and very grateful to you for sharing your wisdom in your very special way.

  7. Steve, every time I think of you I smile. You bring happiness into my day regardless of where I am. I picture you doing that leg movement thing and it cracks me up each time. Thank you for teaching me to be happy in the 'now'. That in itself has been a life changing gift from you, and I in turn have spoken of this to many people since Macau China. May I also point out that not only have you got the gift of laughter and the ability to teach, you have the gift of rhythm. Of course, this can only come from the Irish influence in your family. May you live long, Laugh often, and dance in the hearts of everyone you touch.

  8. Yoh Steve you hit my funny bone barda bing barda boom bang thanks for the fix and the wonderful insight you have of our humor being and the choices we can make at every turn is truly amazing. Thank you so very much
