Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Life Can Be Rough.

Life can be rough, period. Laughter has a way of smoothing out the wrinkles, period.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Nurses The Unsung Heroes

This is for Nurses everywhere, Thank YOU!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Everyone for Ethan

On the evening of November 6th, Gina and I attended a benefit for Ethan Brons. Ethan is a 21 month old boy who is suffering from an extremely rare disease called Periodic Fever Syndrome. Below is part a letter from Ethan's family that was written in a local paper.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all involved in planning, organizing, executing, attending and involved in any way with the fund-raiser for our son Ethan. Words cannot begin to express our gratitude for the incredible outpouring support from the community, family, friends, coworkers, acquaintances and even strangers! Your support means more than you will ever know. A few hundred people came together in support of our little man...We are still AMAZED!

We feel truly blessed to have such unbelievable people supporting us.
With deepest Gratitude,
The Brons Family, Rich, Michele, Taylor and Ethan

This was not only an incredible event for Ethan and his family, but also for everyone who participated and attended. The magnificence of community can never be underestimated. Everyone came together as one.

Without a doubt, giving of ourselves is the one activity that makes us realize that we're all connected and it's that connection that plays a big part in making the world wonderful. I believe that everyone walked away from that event with love and joy in their hearts, not only for Ethan and his family, but for themselves as well.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Brother Gave Me the Finger

As a humor keynote professional speaker, I have this video for you. It is dedicated to all who have served in the military a Heartfelt Thank You! Here is a story of inspiration.
"My Brother Gave Me the Finger".

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Family Members

Earlier this morning I took my 16 year old Lab Casey for a walk. I swear I couldn't help but wonder if she needed to go, or if she sensed that I needed to get out in the fresh air to clear my head.

Dogs are like that you know. Not only do they have a keen sense of knowing that something is not right with you, but they usually know what to do to make you feel better. All you have to do is pay attention to the message that they are trying to convey.

If they come along and drop a ball in front of you, then that's time for you to put your troubles aside and play. If they approach you and put their head in your lap, that's their way of letting you know that they are there and it's time to let go and cuddle. If they walk over to the door, look you straight in the face and bark, they could very well be telling you that you, need to go for a walk.

If you acknowledge any of the obvious gestures that these four legged angels are trying to convey to you, you will be amazed on how therapeutic their motives can be. Dogs are natural healers. Dogs are teachers. Dogs have a spiritual essence about them. It's not a coincidence what happens when you spell DOG backwards.

I have 4 Labs in all; Casey, who I just mentioned, Brandy, age 12, Jessie, age 8 and our newest addition Wally who will be 2 in December. They are not my pets. They are family members. Each one has the ability to sense when something is wrong. Each has their own personality and unique gift to give. I thank God every day for their uncanny way of showing me the true meaning of unconditional love.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Most Valuable Lesson

On October 13, 2010 I spoke for over 300 district and field managers for American Family Mutual Life Insurance Company. The mission for the event was to provide them with resources, tools and information on how to deal with the many changes the organization is now experiencing. Oh, by the way, I had a blast with this group. I could tell in an instant that they were there to learn and laugh.

The following evening I was asked to go out to dinner with a few of the participants. This is without a doubt one of the perks of my business. I absolutely love getting to know people on a personal level. The laughter is usually non-stop and complemented by intriguing conversation.

During dinner someone asked me, “What was one of the most valuable lessons I've learned about being successful and happy.” Without missing a beat I said, "When I came to the realization that nothing in life is wasted if I learn from it. I now know that every step forward and backward along the way towards success was necessary to prepare me to recognize and receive the gift when it was revealed to me. I needed every experience, I mean every experience: the good and the bad, the successes and the failures, the pain and the glory, to help me grow. I can honestly say I am grateful for all of my feelings and emotions; especially, the ones where I questioned my sanity. I am grateful for the peace, the anger, the love, and the fear."

Then in the voice of Forrest Gump I said, "That's all I have to say about that." Of course everyone applauded because I do a Great Forrest Gump.

Friday, October 1, 2010

To Struggling Performers & Artists Everywhere

September 28, 2010 I donated my services and spoke to AFTRA, (American Federation of Television and Radio Association.) Although it was a small group, (actors, dancers, performers and writers) the response was huge. I'm still getting e-mails thanking me for showing them how to cope with so many of the unique problems and challenges that people in the entertainment field have to contend with on a daily basses.

I think what made this particular event so special for me was that I totally and sympathetically understood their plight. I know first hand that it's not easy to endure constant rejection. It's not easy to accept that the screenplay you put your heart and soul into has been sent back to you, again. It's not easy admitting to yourself that you blew it when you auditioned for a part in a movie or TV show that you swear was written for you.

It's never easy to work 2 part time jobs, live on instant noodles, run from audition to audition and still keep your wits about you, but that you must. Remember, never loose your ability to see the humor and laugh out loud in the face of life's chaotic moments and incomprehensibility's. "Laughter is the pit stop in the Rat Race of life. It gives you the repairs and fuel you need to continue."

But one thing performers, artists and entertainers can and should always be grateful for: It's the life you chose. You are following your hearts desire. There aren't many people on this planet who can say that.

There aren't any guarantees that you will achieve the success you desire. But one thing is certain: The odds will be in your favor, if you believe in yourself, speak words that empower you, take action with passion and enthusiasm, and choose to enjoy yourself during the process. Don't let the critics bring you down!!!!!!! In the big scheme of things, it really doesn't matter what they think. The only thing that matters is what you think.

I wish you all the very best. I am so grateful that I was able to help in some way.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Job Well Done And We Had Fun

Last week I invited my friends and business associates Ed Primeau and Shelley Sink to spend 4 days and 3 nights at my home. The plan was to make this visit a joint venture of business/vacation and I must say that it was a brilliant idea. We all had an absolute blast! Great food, great wine and non-stop laughter!

As far as the business aspect of our venture, mission was accomplished. Ed and Shelley are the best at what they do. We created an incredible Video Demo to present to SHOWTIME for my new special. I am very pleased at the results. It just goes to show, business doesn't always have to be work, it can and should be fun!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Think Bold Pray Bold

Last week Gina and I took a 4 hour drive to my brother Michael's summer home in up-state New York. We both needed some time off, away from the usual hustle and bustle. The drive up was very relaxing. The scenery was absolutely beautiful. I already sensed that 3 days away from work was exactly what I needed.

I was working diligently on a number of projects; finalizing the last chapter of my book, creating the format for my new television special and adding the finishing touches to my cameo commercials. There was a great deal of time and effort put into these projects and I was having some doubts as to weather I was making the right decisions that would lead to a successful outcome.

The following morning I woke up at 4:47 am. I decided to get dressed and walk down to the lake, which is only 25 yards from the house. The view was captivating, equaled only by the silence. Unfortunately, the uncertainties of my projects were still lingering in my mind. I sat down on a rock and said a little prayer.

“I just want to know if I'm making the right decisions regarding my book, television special, and my cameo commercials. And I want to know if they will lead to the success I desire? I'm going to be bold and ask for a specific sign. If the answer to these questions is yes, then I want to see an Eagle soaring by sometime this morning."

When I finished the prayer I didn't have any expectations at all. I simply let it go and sat there in silence. Within 2 minutes the most beautiful Bald Eagle soared down about 20 yards in front of me. It skimmed the lake twice and then landed in a tree to my left. With a smile on my face, I looked up at the messenger to my prayer and said, "Thank you."

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Taking Time Off Is Not A Waste Of Time

Lately, I've been hearing a lot people complaining that they are overwhelmed and stressed out over their jobs. One way to remedy work-related stress and overwhelm is to simply take some time off, even for just a short while, and do something that lifts you spirit. Why not? You deserve it!

Unfortunately, there are those who insist that they can't afford to spend time outside of the realm of their jobs and careers. In actuality, when you think of the consequences, you really can't afford not to. Taking time off is not a waste of time. It's a recharging of your inner battery.

This year I've been working diligently on a variety of new projects. These past few weeks I noticed I was feeling very anxious and my optimistic attitude was dissipating. I felt like I wasn't reaping the fruits of my labor fast enough and I had serious doubts they I ever would. It was obvious to me that the door to the "Negative Zone" was wide open and I was about to walk in. I wasn't going to let that happen.

I decided to take a four day weekend off from work, free from e-mails, cell phones, and text messages. In other words, I was putting my career on temporary hold. I promised myself that I would not take my job home with me and I would not make any decisions regarding my new projects. My only goal was to engage in activities that would make me feel good. That's exactly what I did.

Within those four days I read a book, spent quality time with my wife and family members, (4 Labs and 6 Exotic Birds) invited some friends for dinner and laughed my butt off!! These are the very things that nourish my soul and connect me to spirit. Somewhere along the way I lost site of that.

Taking time off was very refreshing to say the least. It made me realize that I was blowing most of my concerns out of proportion. I simply got caught up. We all do from time to time. This special time-out gave me the positive energy I needed to move forward with clarity and confidence.

I'm not asking you to run away from your problems at work. I'm suggesting that you simply step away. When you step away from the worry and chaos that so often comes with success, you are not quitting. You're energizing your spirit. And don't be surprised when you go back to work with solutions to problems and new insights on the very things that were causing you to feel stressed and overwhelmed.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Enjoy The Roses Outside Your Window Today

I just read something from Dale Carnegie and I want to share it with you. "One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon--instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today."

Read that again. I believe this is the main reason why so many people are unhappy today. Waiting for something in the future to make you happy and focusing on what you don't have in the present, will always keep you from enjoying your life now.

I am constantly amazed by the ways that people manage to deny themselves the chance at present happiness. Instead, they fall pray to dangerous mindsets that decrease their potential for happiness. They put their happiness on hold when they repeat and internalize statements like. "I'll be happy when I'm able to retire." or "I would be happy if I made more money." or "When I can finally by a house, I'll be less stressed and I can enjoy myself."

Statements that focus on what you lack in the present or predicate happiness on a future event, assassinate chances at enjoyment as they happen in the moment.

The good news is fresh opportunities to be happy are like a Grand Central Station of life enjoyment. Wait for it...Ah. There's one now, right on time, right in front of you.

The opportunity to be happy has already arrived. It's been there the whole time, right in front of you. For whatever reason, you have been unable to shift your focus and way of thinking to notice it, bless it and appreciate it.

Regardless of what you don't have and no matter what is transpiring to you or around you, there is always something to be grateful for in the moment! ALWAYS!!! Hold on to that something and feel it with your heart and soul. Then notice how much better you feel.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Change In Direction

Last week I was attending a National Speakers Association conference at The Marriott World Hotel in Orlando FL. On Sunday Evening a group of us were sitting in the lobby area telling stories, laughing and having fun. Then someone said, "Hey Steve, why did you quit stand-up-comedy? I always thought you were one of the best and I was a big fan."

Everyone was staring and waiting for my response. I paused for a few moments, thanked him for the compliment and then I answered his question. "I never quit stand-up-comedy. I simply changed directions. I guess you could say I had a calling to do something else."

That wasn't the first time I was asked that question. I know it won't be the last. There have been times when I wondered where I would be today had I continued to pursue my comedy career. But one thing is certain; I have no regrets. I made the right decision.

Yes, I did walk away from a promising career as stand-up-comedian. No, it wasn't easy. In fact it was very difficult. One thing I learned throughout this entire process is that just because you're very good at something, doesn't mean it's what you're supposed to do.

I now offer a unique and insightful perspective on the journey that brought me to where I stand today. My quest to remove the boundaries that were keeping me from the life I truly desired has brought my work full circle. I now understand that all of my past experiences were necessary to prepare me for my true calling. To help people learn how to be happy and successful, no matter what their circumstances are.

I have spent much of my life learning how to pursue and achieve my own definition of success. That definition has evolved to include showing others my blueprint for realizing their dreams; achieving personal and professional excellence, regardless of the labels they are currently wearing. Yes I'm still funny, but if they laugh while they learn, then that's just an added bonus.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Lessons Learned

If you've been following my blog, you know that my dad passed away a few weeks ago. Since then I've been doing a lot of thinking and I have come to this conclusion. The greatest gift our parent’s give us are lessens we choose to learn along the way. Guess what? It is your responsibility to discover what your parents taught you.

I believe we are not only the physical creation of our parents; we are also here on a spiritual journey to learn from them. You were born to these people and weather you know or not their lives had an irrevocable effect on who you are, what you do and how you live your life.

The only way you can truly learn from your parents is to become aware and embrace both their positive qualities and negative traits. For example, a few of my father's greatest qualities were his integrity, sense of humor and the unconditional love he gave to his family and friends. Through the years I have both consciously or unconsciously learned these qualities and in turn incorporated them into my life. I believe I am a better person as a result.

More importantly, I believe it is crucial that you learn from your parents negative traits. The only way you can do this is to identify what about their lives you didn't like or perhaps even despised. Then ask yourself what about their lives could have been done differently or better. What you would have changed is part of what you need to learn.

I would have to say that my dad's biggest negative trait was his lack of self-worth. I don't believe he ever knew how talented and gifted he was. I also believe this was the cause of so much anger that derived from deep-rooted, fear based, past experiences. Learning from this particular negative trait from my dad has been a tremendous blessing in my life.

Our path is about discovering the truth of who we really are. Our parent’s positive qualities and negative traits can be an invaluable source of information to help us grow. If we don't learn the lessons our parents are always trying to teach us, we run the great risk of carrying their pain into our lives.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Humor Being To The Rescue

A few years ago, I was speaking in the Midwest. I needed to stock up on writing accessories, so I drove to a nearby K-Mart. As I proceeded to purchase my goods, I noticed there was only one register open, so I took my place at the end of a long line. While waiting, I heard the people in the line mumbling something about the attitude of the young woman working the register. As I proceeded closer to the register, I understood what everyone was talking about. This woman did have a major attitude problem. What amazed me the most was how everyone was making it their problem. The guy in back of me apparently found the need to add more fuel to the fire by venting loud enough for everyone to hear, “Who does she think she is? I’m going to go over there and give her a piece of my mind!” I’m thinking, “Oh this is great. Somebody with no mind at all is going to give somebody else a piece of it.” At that point, I noticed that everyone was feeding off of everyone else’s negativity.

Now I guess my sense of humor was at an all time high that day. Because right in the middle of this negative frenzy, I took off my shoe, put it by my ear, and said (in a voice like Maxwell Smart from the old television series, “Get Smart”) “Hello Chief. (Everyone in line just stared at me) Yes, this is Max. Well, I’m at K-Mart and apparently the woman behind the register is a spy. How can I tell? She has a bug up her butt!” There wasn’t a person in that line that wasn’t filled with tears of laughter. In fact, the guy behind me said, “Hey, can I use your shoe? I have to call my wife!”

What an amazing turn of events. One moment everyone was wallowing in negativity. The next they were all laughing. The woman behind the counter, she didn’t get it at all. In fact, she was more upset then she was before. She looked at me and said, “That is so stupid! A grown man talking to his shoe. There’s no phone in there!”

I learned a very important lesson that day. Some people take their jobs and their lives too seriously. The refuse to acknowledge they have a sense of humor.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

That's What Humor Does

Last week I was on my way to Kona, Hawaii to give a keynote speech to over one thousand people. I called home during my connection in Los Angeles and my wife told me my father passed away. I made a decision to continue on to Kona. My plan was to give my speech the next day and then fly back home in time for the wake and funeral services. The following morning I was at the hotel restaurant having breakfast. My thoughts were on my father and all the wonderful memories we shared. I felt a wave of emotions building up. The one thing I didn't want to do, was to loose it at a restaurant. But it was too late, my emotions got the best of me and the tears began to fall. Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was my waitress. "Mr. Rizzo, she said, is everything alright?" Without missing a beat, I turned around in my seat, looked her straight in the face and said, "No it's not. This is the worst omelet I’ve ever had!" There was a slight pause and somehow she sensed the need for a quick comeback. "Well," she said, "I've had people complain about the food, but I’ve never seen anyone cry over it!" We both started laughing. The laughter instantly relieved the tension and I was able to explain the situation about my dad. Two hours later I was ready and focused to give a speech to a group of wonderful people. That's why I say humor is the instant-mind-shift. It gives you the emotional fortitude you need to move on with your life, even if you're hurting.

Like many other families, my family has had its share of difficult times, sadness and heartache. But somehow we always managed to pull through. I asked myself how we were able to survive so many of life's calamities. The answer was obvious----LOVE! It was always the spirit of Love that pulled us through. But it was our sense of humor and the power of laughter that kept us from falling apart.

I believe one of the greatest qualities of humor, is that it makes us all realize we are all the same in the universal scheme of things. We all have fears, concerns, pain, heartaches and problems to deal with. We just have our own unique stories to tell. It doesn't matter who you are, what you do, or how much money you make. It doesn't matter if you're black or white, male or female, rich or poor, conservative or liberal, gay or straight. We all make mistakes. We all have our successes and failures. And we all have good times and hard times. Humor simply helps us embrace who we really are and gives us enough peace to live with it.
That's What Humor Does.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How I Captivate My Audience

No matter what group I'm speaking to or what program I'm giving, I always start off with 5 to 10 minutes of non-stop comedy. Why? Because nothing can captivate an audience and hold their attention more than "The Power Of Laughter." As soon as the laughter starts I can actually feel the tension in the room dissipate. Their energy level is cranked and everyone is primed for a good time. I heard someone say that today we live in the "United States Of Entertainment." I believe speakers have to adhere to this statement. We are living in an age were the attention span of the average audience is about 30 minutes out of a 60 minute span. To make matters more challenging, audience members are twittering, text messaging, e-mailing and even answering their cell phones during a presentation. Unless a speaker has some kind of entertaining quality, they run the risk of loosing their personal connection with the audience. Laughter isn't the only way to engage an audience. But I believe it happens to be the most powerful way. Nothing can put an audience in a good mood more than laughter. Not even sex. And this is coming from someone of the male gender. What I mean is that, to most men sex is like pizza. When it's hot, it's great. When it's's still great. But I digress.
A physiological and mental reaction takes place when you laugh. Laughter charges your inner battery and helps you cope with tough times. Laughter is an instant mind-shift that comes from a higher part of you. It has a soothing quality that can lift your spirits and instantly break down barriers that can otherwise stand between a speaker and the audience. Let's face it, people love to laugh and they love people who can make them laugh. This is where "the-trust-factor" comes into play. In other words, if they like me they will trust me. This gives me the opportunity to gradually weave my message in and around the laughter. Through the guise of humor I teach people the skills they need to get to a better place at work and in life. Here's the big pay off. My ability to make the audience laugh not only helps me to hold their attention, but also aides in them enjoying the entire process.
Studies have shown if you are having fun as you learn you will ingest more information. As one of my clients said,
"Never has my group laughed so hard and learned so much in one sitting! Thanks for the ride!"

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hell or Heaven

Ralph Waldo Emerson was right when he said, “To different minds,
the same world is a hell or heaven.” It's a matter of perspective.
The same occurrence can be experienced and interpreted in
different ways by different people. There are those who view
little mishaps as a major catastrophe, while others find the humor
in them. Some people would have their day ruined if their car
didn’t start. People like these intensify their problems by
continuously rehashing their woe-is-me story. This is also the
attitude that will keep them from the success and happiness they
desire. It's difficult, if not impossible, to enjoy your life on
any level if you are always focusing on what isn't working. That's
not to say that your wrong to get upset when your car doesn't start
and you're late for work. That's natural of course, but you're
doing yourself a grave disservice by dwelling on that all day long.
If you're not vigilant, one bad mood can snowball out of control and
ruin what could otherwise be an enjoyable and productive day.
As always, the choice is yours.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Being Successful

The entire world can view your life as the ultimate success story, but the bottom line is this: If you are not happy, you are not successful.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Speak Words That Empower

We need to be especially careful about the words we speak out loud when things aren't going the way we want. Yes, it's true that what you think is what you get, but what you say out loud in the midst of troubling times has even greater impact on how long you stay in those situations, and how deeply you are affected by the situation. The words you speak amplify your feelings and trigger mental images. Your feelings lead to the actions that you take and the actions that you take lead to the outcome. In other words my friend; if what you think is what you get, then what you say is what you ask for.
If you're always thinking about how badly life is treating you, and telling whoever will stand still long enough to regret doing so about how you can't get a fair shake, you will always feel miserable. Ever hear anyone say, “Misery loves company?” Being miserable doesn't exactly attract good things to you. Get it? If you want to change your life for the better, start by consciously changing what you think...and what you say.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reality Is Whatever You Identify With

It absolutely amazes me that there are people who have been given every opportunity in life and still manage to sabotage their success and destroy their chance at happiness. Somewhere along the way they have adopted a negative perception about life and they continue to reinforce that perception by obsessive thinking. Let's face it; it's difficult to feel successful when you keep focusing on your mistakes, setbacks and failures. Likewise, it’s impossible to be happy if you constantly feel victimized or singled out when your life doesn't go as planned.
Reality is whatever you identify with. If you keep focusing on what's not working you will always be in some kind of turmoil. You make a difficult situation worse when you are unable to shift your focus and appreciate what you have, rather than focusing on what you don't have. Whether you believe it or not, there is a spiritual law that works with perfection, it's called “The Law Of Attraction.” This law simply states that the more you concentrate on your lack, the more of that you will get back. The more you think of what's not working, the more your life won't work.
People who are successful consciously or unconsciously think successful thoughts. Whether they are aware of it or not, their predominant thoughts are of optimism, for wealth, health and abundance on a consistent basis. They don't allow negative thoughts of deficiency and failure to take root in their minds. That doesn't mean they don't have negative thoughts. We all do. It simply means the majority are positive.
Have you ever noticed that those who are always talking about their ailments are always ill?
Those who speak about prosperity are prosperous. Those who talk about how wonderful life is are always happy. And people who are constantly talking about their cats, well that's a different story and I don't have the time right now.
The point is that your thoughts cumulatively provide a general blueprint of directives for how you react to everything in your life. Whatever you habitually think about or focus on the most will become your realty. So, whatever you do, don't focus on getting hit by a train. That's not going to end well.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Love My Job

On March 13th I flew to Macau China, where I experienced five incredible days of laughter, friendship, great food, great wine, and top notch service. No, I wasn't on vacation. It was a business trip. Fortunately, I'm in the type of business where quite often it's difficult to tell the difference. Yes I love my job that much. In fact there are times I'm on such a high about what I do for a living that I actually laugh and think to myself, “And I get paid for doing this!”
There are two reasons why my trip to Macau was so special. First, was the seminar I gave to an incredible group who are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of people all over the planet.
Polaris Media Group is an international community of successful men and woman that provide resources to ignite creativity and success at work and in life. They create inspirational media products and educational materials that reveal the true nature of the human spirit.
I have spoken to all kinds of groups throughout my speaking career, but few have had the passion, enthusiasm, and incentive to learn and take immediate action than the wonderful people of Polaris Media.
I was fortunate to spend quality time with some of the members and it became very clear to me that these people are on a mission to make the world a better place. Their dedication and desire to serve truly inspired me. It's always an extra bonus when the teacher becomes the student and walks away feeling uplifted. I wish them all the very best that life has to offer.
The second reason my stay in Macau was so special was the making of a new friendship. I've known Jim Cathcart casually through the years as we are both members of The National Speakers Association. It wasn't until we worked together in Macau that we got to know each other on a personal basis. Jim has an impeccable reputation as a speaker and it was a real treat to see him in action. He captivated the entire audience, myself included, for four hours.
I've always said that one of the joys of traveling is spending quality time having dinner with clients and friends in various parts of world. It's a time to relax, let loose and to get to know one another. The memories of sharing heartfelt stories and non stop laughter always bring a smile to my face. I will take those memories with me till the day I leave this world.
Occasionally, usually sometime the following day, I realize that a special connection was made. It truly is a blessing to know that there is someone else in my life that I can call friend. Thanks Jim, It was a pleasure and an honor getting to know you. The next time our paths meet I know I will be greeting someone who is more than an acquaintance.

Monday, March 15, 2010

It's A Matter Of Choice

Choice! The key is choice. You have options. You need not spend your life wallowing in failure, ignorance, grief, poverty, shame, and self pity. But hold on! If this is true, then why have so many among us apparently elected to live in that manner?
The answer is obvious. Those who live in unhappy failure have never exercised their options for a better way of life because they have never been aware that they had any choices.

The above words are from The Choice, a book written by Og Mandino. Read it again my friend because it is a cornerstone for building a successful and happy life. You inability to use your power of choice can affect your entire life. Life is about choices. Every situation is a choice. You choose how to react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or a bad mood. The bottom line: The choices you make determine how you live your life. Once you can say to yourself that you have a choice on how to deal with a problem or even a crisis, you are sending a message to that brain of yours, stating that you are in control of the situation, Instead of the situation controlling you. In other words you are not at the mercy of the situation.
You can choose to believe that you are helpless and at the mercy of life's unpleasant twists of fate and misfortunes. You can choose to believe some people are lucky and some are destined to a life of misery and despair. If this is what you believe, then that will be your reality.
On the other hand, you could choose to believe you have a choice in your affairs, that you may not be able to control what happens to you, but you can always choose how you think about what happens, you can always choose the state of mind you need to be in regardless of what is happening around you or to you. The choice is yours my friend, it has always been. It always will be. It's always just a matter of choice.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Part 2: Why You Are Here by Steve Rizzo

I think we can all agree that life is an ongoing obstacle course, always challenging you to be the best you can be. Each obstacle, no matter how big or small, is an opportunity for you to shift your perspective and view it through the eyes of hope and peace, and that choice my friend is always yours to make. As I said in Part 1, this is what acquiring a positive attitude is all about. This is what builds character and enables you to grow and to become the person you were meant to be. This is also why some of your biggest challenges can be blessings in disguise. Understanding this is the pathway to success and happiness. Are you ready for the challenge?
We need to teach our children that there will be times in their lives where they will experience disappointment and heartache, that good and bad are simply part of the process of life. It's necessary to feel the effect of one to feel the effect of the other. If our lives were void of disappointment and heartache, we wouldn't know we were experiencing a life worth living because we would have nothing to compare it with. Without comparison, life would be boring for certain and even worse, unfulfilling. This is the wonder and, yes, the blessing of life. So in the grand scheme of things, there is really no such thing as a bad experience. There is only the wrong attitude. Once again, that choice is always yours to make.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Part 1: Why You Are Here

This is for anyone who is currently going through tough times. This is for anyone who is always having difficulty dealing with adversity at work or in life. And this is for anyone who can't escape from the confines of feeling victimized.

Adversity is necessary in order for you to grow. This is something optimistic and positive people know about life. I want you to understand the following. Are you ready? You are here on Earth to experience, learn, grow and become the person you were meant to become. It can't be stressed enough that the filter through which you view all of your life's experiences will ultimately determine who you become. In other words my friend, how you choose to experience what happens to you, is it what you consider to be good or what you consider to be bad, will determine what you learn. What you learn determines how you grow and this continued growth is what shapes who and what you become. If you can comprehend this, it will help free you from feeling victimized when times are tough and just maybe help you to compare a challenging situation with a pop quiz in Life: 101, rather than, say the APOCALYPSE!!!
Stay tuned for Part 2.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Foundation To A Healthy Attitude

By now I'm sure you've heard or read the saying “Attitude Is Everything.” Or, perhaps you've read or heard the phrase, “It’s All About Attitude.” If you haven't, well, you just did. My job is to show people how to acquire the attitude they need to succeed on all levels of life. Not just at work or at home, on all levels of life. What I'm talking about here is your overall attitude. In other words the attitude you have about life in general, the way you interact with people, how you respond to adversity and the unexpected, will ultimately determine the choices you make and the actions you take at work and at home.
The key, in fact the foundation to create a healthy attitude is to make a conscious choice everyday to enjoy yourself during the process of whatever you're trying to achieve. No matter what your goals are, no matter what your dreams may be, it is crucial that you set out to achieve them on a foundation of enjoyment. Unfortunately, this is something that most people leave by the wayside. Yes, by most people I probably mean you dear reader. Especially when you're setting out to fulfill your goals and dreams and things aren't going as planned. That's when the stress level can get a little too intense and before you know it, self doubt, fear, overwhelm, and anger can become dangerous mindsets. Without you ever realizing it, enjoying yourself becomes secondary and that's when it has to become primary. Studies have shown that people who make conscious choices to enjoy themselves during the process of whatever they are trying to achieve, are more creative, more productive and are able to bounce back faster from challenges.
Now, you're probably wondering how to make a conscious choice to enjoy the day. Well, it starts as soon as you wake up in the morning, or whenever you wake up to start your day. Now pay attention, here's the secret. As soon as you open your eyes, you enter into consciousness. At that very moment you have an opportunity to steer your thoughts and your emotions, to work for you, not against you. In other words, you can seize the day, or you can allow the day seize you. I think you'll agree that most people immediately steer their thoughts on the chaos and stress from the day before or the grueling day that lies ahead. Of course these same people can't understand why their energy level is low throughout the day.
What I want you to do is to focus your attention on something or someone you are grateful for. And I don't care what it is. (Remember, this process must start as soon as you open your eyes and before you get out of bed.) It could be a particular goal you achieved. Maybe it’s the person lying next to you. You might want to focus your attention on your children, friends or a pet. You see it really doesn't matter what it is, just as long as it lifts your spirit and makes you feel good. Your only goal here is to make yourself feel good.
Gratitude, my friend is one of the most powerful connections you have to your higher-self. You always want to start your day connected to your higher-self. The reasons are obvious. When you choose to focus your attention to that which empowers you, you are creating an attitude of gratitude. It's important to understand that your life moves in the direction of your most dominant thoughts, what you focus on day-in and day-out, and those very things that you are thinking about and focusing on are moving closer to you. In other words dear reader; the more you concentrate on your lack, the more of that you will get back. The more you focus on what's not working, the more your life won't work! Think about that for awhile.
For a dailey dose of Steve's Whit & Humor follow me on twitter -

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Steve's Nothing But The Funny Stuff

It's always darkest before the dawn, so if you're going to steal your neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Steve's Nothing But The Funny Stuff

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a flat tire, no spare, and a dead cell phone.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Steve Rizzo, "Don't just survive, step outside your comfort zone & LIVE!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Your Foundation To Success

The key to creating the success and happiness you desire is to build your life on a rock-solid foundation. Read that again my friend. Why? Because it seems to be something most people don't ever consider. Let me ask you a question. Would you build your dream house without a strong foundation to support it? I think you get the point. Whenever you set out to build the life you want, for your sake and for the sake of everyone involved in your life, build a strong foundation first, because when things aren't going the way you want and it seems that your world is falling apart all around you, you can always re-build your life on a rock-solid foundation. How do you create a rock-solid foundation? Well, I'm glad you asked dear reader.
Successful and happy people have good times and bad times just like everyone else. They are not exempt from distress and affliction. What distinguishes them from the rest of the pack is their ability to make a shift when faced with a potentially negative situation or circumstance. That is to say that they focus on what's working in their lives, rather than fixate on what isn't working. Instead of wallowing in their problems, they create and direct thoughts to find solutions, or to at least to make them feel better. Truly successful, happy people are always grateful for what they have and they seldom complain about what they don't have or what life is currently throwing at them. They create healthy habits and make conscious choices to enjoy themselves during the process of whatever they are trying to achieve. They know that the journey towards the goal is where their life unfolds and true happiness is experienced. And last, but certainly not least, successful and happy people always take time out to laugh. They intuitively know that humor is the instant mind-shift. Humor can neutralize negative thoughts and emotions before they blossom into emotional chaos. Even the slightest shift on how you perceive yourself and your surrounding world, (especially during trying circumstances), can change your reality. All of the examples in this paragraph are the criteria that successful and happy people live by. This is the rock-solid foundation they live their lives on. Read this paragraph again and again until you have a complete understanding.
This is not brain surgery my friend. It's more like a brain adjustment. It's simply a matter of shifting your focus and way of thinking to create a healthier perspective towards challenging circumstances and even life's tragedies. If you adhere to this creed and make it a habit in your daily life, you will thereby be building your life on a rock-solid foundation. You will create within you the “bounce-back-factor.”

Friday, January 22, 2010

Don't Fear The Mountains!

Don't fear the mountains in the distance, they can challenge you, keep your head up, & sometimes help raise you higher than you thought possible.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I Know What Stress Is

People go to comedy clubs because they want to laugh. Why do they want to laugh? The same reason they have sex. It makes them feel good. That's the bottom line. Laughter simply makes you feel good. It charges your inner battery and helps you to cope with tough times. When you laugh, your body releases endorphins. Endorphins are manufactured by the body to relieve pain and reduce stress. Usually produced during periods of extreme stress, endorphins naturally block pain signals produced by the nervous system.

I know what stress is. I fly over 300,000 miles a year. Yes, that's a lot of flying. Sometimes I'm in 7 cities in 10 days. Sometimes I have a half day seminar to give and my butt is dragging. You know the feeling. The one thing that gives me more positive energy, more than anything else is when I turn my Humor Being loose in a public setting. I am known for doing or saying out of the ordinary things in front of complete strangers that totally takes them by surprise. What cracks me up are the people that don't get it or don't know how to respond. Here's an example.

I'm in hotels a great part of my life. And I'm always having fun with hotel staff. Once when I was at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, maid service knocked on my door; when I opened the door the woman said, “Mr. Rizzo can I turn down your bed?” I looked at her and said, “Why, is it too loud?” She didn't get it. You should have seen the look on her face as she walked away mumbling and confused. After she walked away I left my room. When I returned later that night I noticed that they did turn down my bed. I think turn-down-service is a wonderful service, but for the life of me I will never understand the little piece of chocolate that's placed on your pillow. Let's think about this shall we. You're supposed to consume the chocolate before you go to sleep. Hmmm, I started thinking. “Why don't hotel people know what the rest of us know? Chocolate does not help you sleep!” In fact, it has the complete opposite effect! Laughing at the absurdity of this ritual, the comedian in me decided to have a little fun. I called the front desk the next morning. This is the conversation took place.

Front desk person: “How can I be of service this morning, Mr. Rizzo?”

Me: “I'm just calling to thank you for the chocolate that was on my pillow last night. It really helped me sleep.”

Front desk person: “You are most welcome. I'm glad you slept well, Mr. Rizzo. Is there anything else we can do for you sir?”

Me: “Yes, as a matter of fact, there is. I was wondering, maybe tonight, if you could put a vile of crack and a pot of coffee on my pillow. I think that will help me sleep!” Wait until you hear the response I got.

Front desk person: “Oh, I don't think we can do that! First of all crack is illegal! And as far as the coffee goes, all you need to do is call room service before you retire!”

Yep; that's right, another one just didn't get it. But just because they don't get it doesn't mean I can't have fun. I can't stress to you enough how turning my Humor Being loose and laughing at situations I create lifts my spirits. And it's even an extra boost when others are laughing along with me.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Scars can remind us of where we've been, they don't have to dictate where we're going! Happy New Year, it's yours to put to good use!!