Thursday, November 18, 2010

Everyone for Ethan

On the evening of November 6th, Gina and I attended a benefit for Ethan Brons. Ethan is a 21 month old boy who is suffering from an extremely rare disease called Periodic Fever Syndrome. Below is part a letter from Ethan's family that was written in a local paper.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all involved in planning, organizing, executing, attending and involved in any way with the fund-raiser for our son Ethan. Words cannot begin to express our gratitude for the incredible outpouring support from the community, family, friends, coworkers, acquaintances and even strangers! Your support means more than you will ever know. A few hundred people came together in support of our little man...We are still AMAZED!

We feel truly blessed to have such unbelievable people supporting us.
With deepest Gratitude,
The Brons Family, Rich, Michele, Taylor and Ethan

This was not only an incredible event for Ethan and his family, but also for everyone who participated and attended. The magnificence of community can never be underestimated. Everyone came together as one.

Without a doubt, giving of ourselves is the one activity that makes us realize that we're all connected and it's that connection that plays a big part in making the world wonderful. I believe that everyone walked away from that event with love and joy in their hearts, not only for Ethan and his family, but for themselves as well.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Brother Gave Me the Finger

As a humor keynote professional speaker, I have this video for you. It is dedicated to all who have served in the military a Heartfelt Thank You! Here is a story of inspiration.
"My Brother Gave Me the Finger".

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Family Members

Earlier this morning I took my 16 year old Lab Casey for a walk. I swear I couldn't help but wonder if she needed to go, or if she sensed that I needed to get out in the fresh air to clear my head.

Dogs are like that you know. Not only do they have a keen sense of knowing that something is not right with you, but they usually know what to do to make you feel better. All you have to do is pay attention to the message that they are trying to convey.

If they come along and drop a ball in front of you, then that's time for you to put your troubles aside and play. If they approach you and put their head in your lap, that's their way of letting you know that they are there and it's time to let go and cuddle. If they walk over to the door, look you straight in the face and bark, they could very well be telling you that you, need to go for a walk.

If you acknowledge any of the obvious gestures that these four legged angels are trying to convey to you, you will be amazed on how therapeutic their motives can be. Dogs are natural healers. Dogs are teachers. Dogs have a spiritual essence about them. It's not a coincidence what happens when you spell DOG backwards.

I have 4 Labs in all; Casey, who I just mentioned, Brandy, age 12, Jessie, age 8 and our newest addition Wally who will be 2 in December. They are not my pets. They are family members. Each one has the ability to sense when something is wrong. Each has their own personality and unique gift to give. I thank God every day for their uncanny way of showing me the true meaning of unconditional love.